

All about Motion Study

We will discuss today a core task of IE. Some of us asked, "Is there any technical knowledge need to know for the continuing job as an IE (Industrial Engineer)?". Someone actually doesn't know the technical part of his job as an IE. Maybe it is due to the culture of the factory. Or he is not habituated to the traditional method of the RMG environment. 

But undoubtedly it is a shame for us as an IE. We need to know that, The main technical aspects of an IE are Motion and Method improvement

So, today we will discuss motion study. You will get a piece of complete knowledge from basic to advanced about motion study.

Motion Study:-

Motion study involves the analysis of the basic hand, arm, and body movements of workers as they perform work. It is a method for setting up employee productivity standards in which:

Ø A complex job is broken down into small or simple steps.

Ø The sequence of movements taken by the employee in performing those steps is carefully observed to detect and eliminate wasteful motion.

Now, we have to know what are the basic motions we used in the sewing line.

The basic motion lists are:-


*Prepared by Recap
*Copyright authority:- Khandakar Nazmul Hossain
* Writer authority:- Mamun Rezwan

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